Friday, May 31, 2013

Outsourced film questions

Outsourced film questions


1. As soon as Todd arrives, he experiences the discomfort of being disoriented in astrange new place. What happens at the airport?


He was trying to get out of the crowds after that there was another problem, which is that all taxi drivers were busy because they were fighting to get him as a a customer


2. When a friendly traveler helps him get on the train, what does he tell him to do? How could this advice apply to what an exchange student has to do?


He advised the man to jump inside the train the advice applied that the student let him set then he set on his lap.


3. When he gets on the train, he cannot find an empty seat. How is this problemsolved for him? How might this be a cultural solution?


The kid offered him his seat and then he sat in his lap, because in buses and trains of India, there is a large overcrowding and people are used as solution.


4. As any exchange student, he has a lot of experiences trying new food. His firstencounter is with an iced drink. What happens?


He suffered pain in his stomach, after eating an ice drink, which polluted water used in the iced drink


5. First encounters with a culture can be shocking – Todd sees crowded streets withcows, noise, and a man urinating in the street. But how does his host describe thecity?


“Bombay is terrible, but here it’s very clean”


6. Even though the host Puro speaks English, Todd uses American slang lotwithout thinking. So as not to insult Puro, what does he say the meaning ofSchmuck is?


“That means like a nice guy”


7. Todd wants to check in to a hotel. But Puro insists he come to a boarding house.What is the reason he gives Todd?


The reason is that he would feel lonely if he will be in the hotel alone


8. As soon as they meet, Aunti Ji starts asking very intimate questions thatAmericans who have just met would never ask. What kind of things does she ask?


What does your father do, are you married, what’s your salary, do you have a girlfriend? Why did you break up?


9. During his first conversation with Aunti Ji he makes two big mistakes. What arethey?


He ate with his left hand which they regard as not clean hand in India and then he placed the same hand he ate through back in the food


10. The Golden Rule says do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Thatmeans his Indian hosts and friends are trying to make him comfortable the waythey would be comfortable. How does this apply when the servant is preparingtea for Todd?


She was molding the tea for him and also put sugar like the way they do.



11. How does Todd figure out why one does not eat food with the left hand?


The owner of the boardinghouse explained to him by sign language why Indians think left hand isn’t clean to eat with



13. Why do they disagree on how a "native" speaks English?


Because of the way Americans pronounce some words with an American accent not proper English, they think it’s a matter of different accents which doesn’t mean their English is wrong in India at the end it is a matter of correct English 
He was shocked and didn’t understand why Aisha said that. High-context culture


14. What doesn't Todd understand about the Indians' response to the "cattle brand"?


He was talking about it in an insensitive way without knowing how sensitive and holy cows are in India


15. What is Todd's reaction to "You need to learn about India"? What stage of cultureshock might it represent?


He was shocked and didn’t understand why Aisha said that. High-context culture


16. He calls home several times. Why? What stage of culture shock might provokecalls home?


Because he is homesick.


17. What mistakes in language usage are represented in the recording of the call about"a rubber"?


Rubber means eraser in English – British accent, as it doesn’t mean the same in the American English


18. Why is he so eager to go to McDonnell's?


Because have been having troubles with food since he arrived plus he’s homesick and craving for a meal that reminds him of home


19. Todd doesn't understand bargaining. How does the Indian respond to this?


He thought that Todd is barging and started barging back immediately without even paying attention to what's Todd’s actually saying as it’s a very common habit in India


20. What does I.N.D.I.A. stand for? How might this be an example of the "InboundSyndrome"?


I’ll Never Do It Again, 


21. What advice does his fellow American have for him?


That once he gives in and stops resisting he will do much better.


22. When Todd develops the incentive system, he has begun to adapt to India. Howhas he adapted?


Once he saw improvement from the team he apologized to them and admit that he should learn more about India. He also asked for suggestions and opinions on how to create a better environment from them to work


23. When he looks at the cow in the office the second time, why is his reaction sodifferent?


Because he started to adjust and fit in which was shown in his second look, it was friendlier and more receptive that his first look and reaction when he just arrived to India


24. Explain the difference between American and Indian cultures when Todd andPuro discuss how often he visits his family and why he doesn't live with them.


Indians are more attached and close to their families than Americans. They consider the family an important and number one priority in their lives and that explains why they live with their families even if they get older and what their parents mean to them. While in America people mostly move out in a very young age and get caught up in their busy lives away from their parents and they’re family and only gather when there’s an event such as weddings, Christmas and thanksgiving.



26. How well does Todd handle himself when he is invited over the wall to an Indianhome for a meal?


Very well, that showed us how open he became to new things from a different culture and class than what he’s used to 


27. In what ways does he show he has adapted? How does he know he is successful?


When he dance with the employees and wear Indian clothes also when he had lunch with Indian family and get sad when know that he have to go to China 


28. When the call center floods and they are shut down, Todd finds an "Indian"solution. What is it?


He asked the poor Indian man from over the wall for his help with replacing the wires as he saw in his place how they all surviving on a public source of electricity by extending wires from it. And that’s an Indian way as the economy is very bad and people try to survive in many ways in that was one of them


29. When Todd's boss comes to India, he eventually explains why – Todd has to

Leave. How is his reaction similar to that of an exchange student?


because they have the same problem in China and he have to go there and reduce the number as he did in India he got upset because he get to use to live in India and he have to leave it know 


30. When Todd comes home, there are several signs that his Indian experience hasinfluenced him. Name three ways he has become more "Indian".


First by calling his mother and planning to visit her, then the way he made his tea, and he drank it with his right hand, the small touch he added to the dollar plate he has and finally his mobile ringtone which was an Indian tune


Reflection of the whole Cultural Diversity Course

This course has been very enriching and enjoyable. It has tremendously contributed to my growth as a student. Every activity and assignment in this course was a unique learning opportunity. The course was very well-designed for each activity added to the larger objective of the course which was- helping us as students to learn how to handle and dispose with other cultures, addition to some of the vocabulary and meanings of words pertaining to communication between different cultures in the world.
I was afraid of this course because I thought it is difficult and has many activities that may cause us as students, some of the pressures in the study. But I enjoyed the activities in this course.There are a lot of things that are offensive to other cultures that we did not teach. But in this course we have learned and we knew it. It is important to understand other people and we know how to deal with other cultures because now the world has become small due to the ease and speed of communication.
In order to improve this course, I suggest that the given examples should be more respectable so as it does not interfere with religion and stabs the country’s culture or deprecate the UAE government’s position which tries always to respect others believes and cultures. As well as, it respects the human rights and gives every person his freedom as far they do not touch the country’s security or religion.
I believe that the most important thing I learnt from this course is to respect others cultures and I learnt how to deal with people from other cultures. In addition, it is important to relate the things I learnt to my country and my personal situation so that if I faced any kind of problem, I can solve it using the cultural diversity skills.

Reflections on cross-cultural communication

Reflections on cross-cultural communication

Cross-cultural communication is a field of study that looks at how people from differing cultural backgrounds endeavour to communicate. Outwardly, there should be no major problem with interaction between people whatsoever, since we all inherit same general patterns of human behaviour but, in fact, we create or acquire individual and social behaviours that differ us, our families and cultures.
Intercultural communication involves interaction between people with different perceptions and systems of values. Some cultures pay attention to time, whereas the others focus on people and relations between them. It can be very complicated for the representatives of these two completely different worlds to cooperate because they have totally different priorities, goals and views on elements associated with the systemic nature of communication (i.e. occasion, time, location).
Therefore, for me, the core of cross-cultural communication is to establish and understand how people with different backgrounds deal, talk, do business and simply coexist with each other. Hence, its aim should be to formulate some guidelines due to which people from different cultures can communicate more effectively. That is crucial, especially when you realise how many barriers cross-boundary communication has to face. Language differences, diverse perceptions of social organizations, and varied values we believe in can make it extremely hard not only to communicate, but to be understood.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Final Presentation

Video Reflection


We have accomplished successfully portray the film, although our response to some of the difficulties, because that was the first time for us in this work, the theme of the film revolves around the culture of the United Arab Emirates and how our culture distinct from other cultures and also rare.
The film contains foreign opinion about the culture of the UAE, as well as a way of greeting and eating and the types of cars that we use.
I've had bad luck because the section that image does not appear, and displays a green screen and due to an error when converting a video format, a formula accepted by YouTube. But our teacher was impressed by the film when we have presented in class.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Reflection 1

Most of the people see the disable people in ironic eye and they think the disable people are worst in all life respects. But in reality they have many talents and may are better from to many normal people. The videos we have saw showing how the people who has dream faced all the consequences to reach his goal, some of disables became a famous singer or scientist or even sport player. I think all the people are equal but with different competence, for that I see all the people most have their rights and provide all assistance to people with special needs.

Cultural Diversity of UAE